Thursday, December 8, 2011

When I Log Into My Webclient via it Instantly Logs back out?

Only created it yesterday, since then iv'e been getting this problem. source is hybrid PVP, because it's the only source that works. every other source i get "error connecting to server" and they're just not me.

My IP is Port is 43594, Default port for all RSPS's. That little square on Control Panel via is green, witch indicates it's Online. I also typed "wackeyscape" in on server status checker and it said ONLINE!!! But When i try to Login to my Client on my desktop, i get "error connecting to server. These are the server IP's that are currently added to my Text Document that are placed in my Client Folder, Also, tell me what these are for too. if(myPrivilege == 2 || server.equals("") and this when i scroll down, server = "".

and this, public static String server = ""; I am really confused!! %26amp; I really wanna know what these Mean, and what they're for. Please Help, Iv'e gotten further and even more further as the days went on, It's just this is bugging me now !! Iv'e downloaded the client + source here: " " (Without Quotations Obviously) - I'm running NO-IP. already set my server IP up on, I Port forwarded with uTorrent and enabled my port on both my firewall and my vodafone router, And it Obviously succeeded because i wouldn't of got past the Webclient creating otherwise. Also, i have to have my source running for the webclient to login lol, I Don't know if that's normal or not, maybe that's what hosting is. and could you guys please tell me why I'm so Confused, Did i have to have after all those 3 server = things, What did i do wrong there, and how does the Webclient creator connect and load your server + source and all files from your desktop. Thanks! If you help and my server comes online the person gets my level 93 Rs acc with Reasonable stats and owner on my Awesome Server !! ;)|||you can get from website

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